
I Will Follow You...


Sorry Kelsey... but it won't let me.

Good intentions and all of that. Just haven't been posting. I've been a bad internet friend. Not blogging, not reading and commenting. No facebook, myspace... you get the idea.

Just trying to get through one day at a time without SOMETHING BREAKING. Seriously. I guess that I should be grateful that I haven't broken. Or that Ella hasn't broken. And Susie hasn't broken - though that may change if she doesn't stop barking.

So lets end on a positive note.

Thanksgiving was tasty.
Ella will let me fix anything with a kiss.
I've only had to RE-light my tree twice.
I can afford presents this year.
I may yet end up with an awesome job.
I do have friends. Awesome friends.
And even though the moron hasn't scored in 14 games... I still believe and I'm grateful there are 6.5 years left....

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

won't let you what?
I'm confused